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nitafishie is blogging

21 février 2012


Je l'ai fait, ça y est! j'ai ma nouvelle adresse blog!


19 avril 2011


Diantre! La pub est en train de bouffer mon blog petit à petit, sans compter les spams...Je m'en vais me chercher un nouvel endroit pour faire un nouveau blog tout beau tout neuf sans parasites. Franchement, canalblog, t'as chié là...


En attendant, vous pouvez toujours faire un tour sur le blog des maries, on prend les commandes de fanzines jusqu'à début juin (oui faut qu'on refasse un post sur le blog pour actualiser le nouveau système de commandes...)



bye bye my friends, je reviendrai poster la nouvelle adresse bientôt

8 janvier 2011

you forgot blueberries!

Et bonne année d'ailleurs! : Corps Gras

14 novembre 2010

Words of wisdom

Parce que quand quelqu'un s'occupe de dire ce qu'on pense, mais en bien, pourquoi s'en priver? Mercenary par ariokh:

I do freelance as well as my full time job, and I am always setting up the next job. it's a safe bet, that if i'm breathing, I'm painting or hustling to get paid for more painting. That's what I do for a living. It's how I put food on the table, and porn in the bathroom.

That said, I thought it bore mentioning especially here on DA though, that I work for HIRE. If your sweet RPG project, or video game pitch has no budget at all for art, it will save both of our time if you don't try to tap me for artwork. I Do realize I'm passing up an amazing opportunity for me to make my portfolio way more awesome, and that I won't be getting that free publicity. It's a risk I'll have to take.

I'm not opposed to people making things out of their garage, in fact, I wholesale endorse it and want you to succeed with it. I sincerely hope your team is a massive success.

I can't work for free though.

You wouldn't ask a gardener to stop by your place to do your lawn for free because it would be really awesome for him. You wouldn't ask a chef to cater your wedding for free because you have the sickest idea for how the wedding will go, right?
You wouldn't send requests to a lawyer to hook you up with free intellectual property law consultations.

Just because I do art, doesn't mean my time is any less valuable than all of those guys. I spent just as much time in school. Quite a damn bit of money I'm still trying to pay off, and years of suffering through trying to get better and better.

When you pay an artist for their work, their prices denote not just the cost of their time, the materials, or the effort for your project. What you are paying for is the cost of experience. A lifetime spent perfecting a craft, and honing an ability. You pay for all the mistakes we won't make for you, because we've made them for ourselves already. You pay for the mind that has been training to deal with specific problems, and generate kick ass ideas, and original concepts.

These things are not born to us, they are learned. You are paying for the time you don't have to spend learning the craft. Just like you pay for pizza when you don't want to make it yourself.

Art is just like anything else when it comes to business. You get what you pay for.

I'm just not willing to deliver poor quality goods.

-End rant-----------

This is for you young or budding artists out there just starting to get into pro work. Be wary of requests made, especially through this site.

Firstly, to horribly misquote Stephen King when asked about when you are a professional writer, "When you get a check in the mail paying for your writing and you pay the light bill with it, you are a professional."
I totally agree with that dude. When you are even moderately confident enough in your skill and you start getting approached with just these kinds of offers, think about this rant. I know you will do a few anyway. Hell, I did. I've been fucked exactly three times by would be mega-projects that were 'good for my portfolio'. We all have to stick our fingers in the flames to learn. That's fine. But learn, please! Don't underbid yourself, don't sacrifice your wage for your work.

The formula is simple, and I have had to tell my students many times how this works, so pay attention.

How much do you want to make an hour? If need be, divide down from an annual salary you'd like. In freelance, work is peppered throughout the year, so compensate for projected downtime. Once you've worked out your hourly, estimate how long the art will take to make and bam. =h
How long will your part in the project take? =t
How many changes will they likely want, and make sure your contract has clauses for client changes(if you are smart set a limit to number of changes, and be sure to charge. Watch how much less picky they get when their wallet is on the line. Hahahaha!). =v
Are you being taxed? If you aren't. Say you are. =x
Cost of materials? =m

And here it is: h+t+v+x+m= I'm Rich BITCH!

It will be more than you assumed you were worth, I'm certain.
Now comes the time for dark self assessment. Is your art really worth that sum? Where are you in your career, and how far are you from where this number is at?
Start shaving it back down until you think that it's VERY good money for your level of work. Then make your bid.

If you are lucky your client will jump on it. Don't feel like you should have asked for more. Be proud that you got a lot more than you thought you were worth. This is awesome also because you've established precedence for yourself and now have a starting rate to build up from as you improve.

If your client haggles. Don't be afraid to haggle. Generally when a person counterbids, they drop down a chunk and expect you to meet them somewhere in the middle of your original bid and their first counter bid. If their offer is simply unacceptable after that, do not be afraid to walk, but definitely consider it and your skills honestly.

If your client laughs. Disconnect. If they come back, ask them what they think would be a fair rate for you. If they don't, ah well, no love lost. There will be more clients, and you can use that as fuel to work your ass off and get better, so next time they clamor for your skills.

I hope this helps clear the silly fog of 'don't share how much you make' shame.

Molest in peace,
Uncle Z

Et parce que c'est pas mal de compléter avec une vidéo hein, tant qu'on y est:

21 octobre 2010

"I wish I was you...

...And pizza is just SO good". Et oui je geek encore.

20 octobre 2010

Oh my...

Voilà, je ne suis pas morte, et je passe en effet mes journées à geeker...

21 septembre 2010

junjun ô fusiiiooooon

Harajuku bercy c'était vraiment vraiment top! Il faisait beau (les 3/4 du temps) les gens étaient sympa (même si le dimanche matin était mouvementé), on a même eu un super gâteau vachement bon rebaptisé "Avalanche" pour son avalanche de goût triple saveur par riri (d'ailleurs, je continue à croire qu'ouvrir un stand de pâtisserie Mary n'est pas une mauvaise idée). J'ai eu une surprise très mary en provenance de Bath par Mary Marguerite. Des gens sont même venus nous dire qu'ils connaissaient le blog des Maries (on commençait à avoir des doutes sur notre succès interplanétaire tant espéré). Bon, accessoirement, on a aussi pu sortir notre suketchubukku à temps (même si j'ai eu un peu chaud aux fesses au dernier moment à cause du corep de tolbiac...). On a pas encore eu de retour, mais je pense que les gens ont/vont apprécier, en tout cas je l'espère. Et puis last but not least, on a enfin notre portail qui regroupe nos dixmille blogs! Yay!


Je commence à en avoir vraiiiiiment marre de la pub canalblog, donc je pense migrer vers d'autres contrées prochainement...

15 août 2010

She/he will always loves you...

W hitney Houston ne va pas très bien en ce moment, même si elle a essayé de revenir sur le devant de la scène. Mais bon, je vais pas devenir le nouveau blog potin people non plus, on s'en fiche un peu. Par contre, en tombant sur cette video d'un concours de lip-synch aux Philippines, je m'attendais à tout pour une billionième reprise du thème principal de "Bodyguard" (et là, une génération de jeunes se demande quel âge j'ai). Sauf à ça. C'est rigolo/effrayant/bizarre/kitsch, une combinaison bien mystique. Au moins il/elle s'est amusé(e). Moi, je ne vais pas dormir ce soir.

20 juillet 2010

Girl crush

J 'étais sensée écrire une suite au post précédent sur les déboires twilightesques, mais j'ai eu un peu la flemme, le soufflé est tombé, je m'y mettrai un autre jour, prochainement, sûrement, peut-être, probablement, à voir...Mais en attendant, voilà la chanteuse que j'écoute depuis quelques semaines déjà, Janelle Monae. C'est mon ptit plaisir pour les oreilles (l'album) et pour les yeux, siuper crush sur son style retro funky. J'aimerais bien me balader dans la rue habillée comme elle un jour, autre que les quatre jours de la Japan Expo.

Junjun Ô a atteint son 50ème follower! (suiveur? voyeur? Eclairez la pauvre fille qui sait plus parler français...) ça se fête! Avec un dessin au prochain post (oui encore des promesses).

16 juillet 2010

Stephanie Meyer, you're fantastic! Part I

L e scandale du XXIème siècle, pour moi, c'est Stephanie Meyer et Twilight. Je n'apprécie pas trop sa saga, c'est comme ça, c'est personnel. Rabaisser la gente féminine et tout ce qui s'est construit autour des héroines littéraires en Bella, pour moi, c'est juste imbuvable (mais mince, s'appeler Bella Swan en plus quoi...) Mais au final, je crois, ce qui pourrait m'exaspérer plus que Bella et son vampire pétillant, c'est bien leur créatrice mormon, Stephanie Meyer...Jusqu'à maintenant, je l'ai toujours détesté avec beaucoup de discrétion, sans jamais vraiment m'exprimer sur son compte. Mais en découvrant ces choses infames, il est clair que je ne pouvais plus me taire:

Question: Reading Twilight it came to me the Story of Westley and Buttercup. Is Bella and Edward love, True Love like theirs ?

Stephanie Meyer:
Actually Bella and Edward love story is better than them. When I was in college I wrote a paper from a feminist perspective (it’s an easy way to write) on the princess bride so I am little biased. The problem I have with Westley and Buttercup is Buttercup is an idiot and it doesn’t bother anyone, all that matters is that she’s beautiful, that is her only value. At the end she redeems herself a bit, but the female characters are very weak in that story. Westley is brave and smart and fights, Buttercup is just beautiful, it’s her only thing: her brain means nothing, her personality means nothing to him, they have the kind of love where they can’t leave without each other. It’s not a great example to me. I couldn’t find one who was a really good comparison to me, I mean, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.Darcy’s it’s pretty good, except you should think that if either one of them dies the other one will carry on bravely, and Romeo and Juliet were kind of idiots, they didn’t know each other very well. And Anna Of Green Gables and Gilbert Blythe, but they are much more like Jacob and Bella, they’re friend they get the nerves of each other a lot.
I didn’t find out yet a Bella and Edward love story that really satisfied me that way.

Ce passage en vidéo à partir de 3:40:

Pour moi il est clair que cette fille vit vraiment dans un monde à part, dans une bulle surréelle, pétrie de narcissisme et d'égocentrisme, je pense qu'elle ne doit ni supporter la critique (qu'elle soit constructive ou non), ni ne se remet en question. Je trouve toutefois dingue qu'elle puisse se comparer à Austen, Shakespeare ou encore Montgomery (et sûrement d'autres, ne soyons pas dupes). Et l'ironie des propos qu'elle tient concernant Princess Bride (Le mariage de la princesse Bouton d'Or), la pauvre, elle ne se rend pas compte qu'elle décrit son propre livre...J'ai un peu pitié.

Meyer a un gros problème

Et une certaine catégorie extrèmiste de ses fans aussi...Mais ça, ce sera au prochain post.

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